Is the constant battle against corrosion causing headaches and eating away at your valuable assets? Fear not, for Vhandy Ceramics has the ultimate solution that will shield your investments from the destructive forces of corrosion. Get ready to witness the power of...
Are you searching for a game-changing solution that can withstand extreme conditions, provide exceptional insulation, and deliver unparalleled performance? Look no further! Vhandy, a leader in customized ceramic innovations, is here to unlock the untapped potential in...
What is Advanced Ceramics Advanced ceramics include alumina ceramic, steatite ceramic, zirconia ceramic, silicon carbide ceramic, cordierite ceramic, mullite ceramic, and others. Alumina ceramic is one of the most widely used advanced ceramics and is made from...
Production Technology of Cordierite Ceramics Cordierite ceramics can be produced using various methods such as solid-state reaction, aqueous tape casting process, and high-temperature sintering. The aqueous tape casting process involves using polyvinylalcohol (PVA)...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Alumina Ceramics Alumina ceramics have many advantages. They have excellent insulation, low high-frequency loss but good high-frequency insulation, heat resistance, small thermal expansion coefficient, high mechanical strength, and good...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Zirconia Ceramics As an emerging ceramic material, zirconia ceramics have the following advantages: High hardness, high strength, high toughness, wear resistance, impact resistance and fracture resistance; Low thermal conductivity, high...