Alumina industrial ceramics properties: sealing anti-wear, high temperature, high pressure, hardness, insulation, thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, relatively low raw material prices, easy to refine and so on.
Below for the different properties of alumina industrial ceramics can be used in which practical applications to develop the narrative:
Sealing Anti-wear:
1, pumps and valves:
alumina seals can be used for pumps and valves in the sealing system. Its high hardness and low coefficient of friction so that it has excellent sealing performance, and can resist high pressure and high temperature conditions of wear.
2, the automotive industry:
aluminum oxide seals can be used in automotive engines and transmission system seals. Due to the harsh working environment of automobile engines and transmission systems, seals are required to have high temperature resistance, wear resistance and chemical corrosion resistance, alumina seals can meet these requirements.
3, chemical and petroleum industries:
alumina seals can be used in the chemical and petroleum industries, pipelines, tanks and equipment. The fluids in these industries are usually high-pressure, high-temperature and corrosive, alumina seals can provide reliable sealing performance and abrasion resistance to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system.
4, high-temperature kilns:
alumina seals can be used in high-temperature kilns in the doors, ports and connections of the seal. High-temperature kilns in the environment requires seals to withstand high temperatures and thermal shock, and maintain good sealing performance, alumina seals have excellent high-temperature resistance and thermal stability.
5, electronics and semiconductor industry:
alumina seals can be used in electronic and semiconductor equipment sealing applications, such as vacuum systems, packaging equipment. Alumina seals can provide reliable sealing performance to prevent gas and liquid leakage, and at the same time has good electrical insulation properties.

High Temperature and High Pressure Resistance:
1, heat treatment and smelting industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used as linings and insulation materials for heat treatment furnaces, smelting furnaces and other high temperature industrial equipment. Due to its high melting point and excellent thermal stability, alumina can withstand high-temperature environments and maintain structural stability.
2, high-temperature heat transfer equipment:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used for high-temperature heat transfer equipment, such as heat exchangers, tube bundles and burner linings. In these devices, the high temperature resistance of alumina can ensure the efficiency of heat transfer, and resistance to high temperature and thermal shock caused by damage.
3, aerospace industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in the aerospace field of high temperature and high pressure applications, such as jet engine combustion chamber and turbine blades. Alumina’s resistance to high temperatures and thermal shock enables it to maintain structural stability and reliability under extreme operating conditions.
4, high-pressure gas and liquid systems:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used for high-pressure gas and liquid system seals and valves. Its high pressure resistance can ensure the safe operation of the system, and prevent leakage and failure.
5, nuclear energy industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in nuclear reactors in the structural materials and thermal insulation materials. In the nuclear energy industry, alumina can withstand high temperatures and radiation, and maintain structural stability and radiation protection properties.
Insulation Thermal Conductivity:
1, electronics and semiconductor industry:
due to the high insulating properties and electrical insulation properties of alumina, it is often used as an insulating material for electronic and semiconductor devices. For example, alumina can be used in integrated circuits in the insulating layer, capacitors and insulating substrates and other parts.
2, power industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in the power industry in the insulating parts and high-voltage equipment. For example, alumina insulators can be used in high-voltage transmission lines and substations, and its thermal conductivity can help dissipate heat and improve the efficiency of the equipment.
3, thermoelectric industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in thermoelectric power generation device insulation and thermal conductivity materials. In the thermoelectric device, alumina can provide good insulation properties, while effectively transferring heat through thermal conductivity, improve energy conversion efficiency.
4, environmental engineering:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in the field of environmental engineering insulation and heat-resistant materials. For example, in high temperature and corrosive environments, alumina insulating materials can be used in flue gas desulfurization devices and chemical processing equipment and other parts.
5, high temperature kiln:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in high temperature kilns in the heat insulation layer and insulation materials. Its insulating properties can prevent heat loss, and thermal conductivity can help quickly conduct heat and improve the efficiency of the kiln.

Corrosion Resistance Acid and Alkali Resistance:
1, chemical industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in the chemical industry for corrosive media handling and storage equipment. Because of its acid and alkali resistance, alumina can be used to manufacture storage tanks, pipelines, reactors and other equipment working in acid and alkali environments.
2, battery manufacturing:
alumina industrial ceramics can be applied to corrosion-resistant components in battery manufacturing. In the battery, acidic or alkaline electrolyte may cause corrosion of the material, and the corrosion resistance of alumina makes it ideal for use in parts such as battery diaphragms, electrolytic tanks and electrodes.
3, medical equipment:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used for medical equipment in the corrosion-resistant materials. In the medical field, some liquid or chemical substances may have a corrosive effect on the equipment materials, and the corrosion resistance of alumina makes it suitable for the manufacture of surgical instruments, implants and reagent containers and other medical equipment.
4, environmental engineering:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used in environmental engineering corrosion-resistant materials. For example, in sewage treatment plants and exhaust gas treatment devices, alumina can be used to manufacture acid and alkali resistance and corrosion-resistant equipment and components to deal with corrosive media.
5, food processing industry:
alumina industrial ceramics can be used for corrosion-resistant equipment and containers in the food processing industry. Because of its resistance to acids and alkalis, alumina can be used to manufacture food processing equipment, storage containers and reactors.
With the rapid development of modern technology refining technology, alumina industrial ceramics raw material refining costs have fallen dramatically for the need to use alumina industrial ceramics industry is very advantageous, alumina ceramics also has a strong plasticity, according to the actual need to customize a variety of sizes and specifications of the shape of the parts/components.
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테스트할 수 있는 샘플을 제공해 주실 수 있나요? 비용은 얼마인가요?
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The 샘플은 완전 무료입니다.하지만 운임을 지불해야 합니다.
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걱정하지 마세요! 요구 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공해 주세요., 사용 목적, 원하는 속성, 찾고 있는 특정 특성 등의 정보를 입력합니다.
이러한 정보를 바탕으로 고객의 니즈에 가장 적합한 세라믹 소재를 선택할 수 있도록 안내해 드립니다.
주문한 제품의 품질이 걱정됩니다.
저희는 여러분의 걱정을 이해하며 다음과 같이 엄격한 품질 관리 기준을 유지하고 있습니다:
테스트 표준 | 테스트 차원 | 합격률 | 표준 범위 |
외관 검사 | 결함의 수량 및 심각도 | ≥ 97.3% | AQL 표준에 따라 결정 |
치수 검사 | 크기 정확도 및 일관성 | ≥ 98.1% | ISO 9001 표준에 따라 결정 |
밀도 테스트 | 머티리얼 밀도 | ≥ 97% | ASTM C20 표준에 따라 결정 |
경도 테스트 | 표면 경도 | ≥ 98.2% | ISO 6508 표준에 따라 결정 |
굴곡 강도 테스트 | 재료 굴곡 강도 | ≥ 97.9% | ASTM C1161 표준에 따라 결정 |
열충격 안정성 테스트 | 소재 열 충격 안정성 | ≥ 98.7% | ASTM C884 표준에 따라 결정 |
*ISO 표준보다 높은 품질 기준
생산 라인 검사 외에도 한 달에 여러 번 타사 기관의 검사를 받습니다.
결함 발생은 극히 드물지만 피할 수 없는 가능성입니다. 품질 문제가 발생할 경우 당사는 모든 책임을 지고 원가로 신속하게 재생산 절차를 진행합니다.
저희는 제품이 최고의 품질 기준을 충족하도록 보장하고 고객 만족을 보장하기 위해 모든 문제를 신속하게 해결하는 데 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
세라믹의 처리 정확도는 어느 정도인가요?
정밀도 요구 사항 | 예제 | 단위 |
표면 평탄도 | Ra ≤ 0.1 μm | μm |
치수 정확도 | 수십 μm 이내의 허용 오차 | μm |
조리개 정밀도 | 수백 μm 이내의 직경 허용 오차 | μm |
표면 마감 | Ra ≤ 0.2 μm | μm |
엄격한 가공 정밀도 기준을 유지하여 표준 제조 공정을 통해 제품이 대부분의 요구 사항을 충족하도록 보장합니다.
하지만 더 높은 정밀도의 제품이 필요한 경우, 언제든지 문의해 주세요.
고객의 구체적인 요구 사항을 논의하고 고객의 엄격한 기준을 충족하는 맞춤형 솔루션을 모색할 수 있습니다.
거래 조건은 어떻게 되나요?
조건은 EXW, FOB, CIF를 선호합니다.
T/T, 웨스트 유니온, 30% 보증금, 70% 배송 전 잔금 지불 를 보내주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.
제작에는 얼마나 걸리나요?
질문: 브이핸디 세라믹의 일반적인 제작 리드 타임은 어떻게 되나요?
답변: 브이핸디 세라믹의 일반적인 생산 리드 타임은 15~20일입니다.
질문: 실제 배송 시간이 더 길어질 수 있는 상황도 있나요?
A: 예, 먼 국가로의 배송과 같은 특정 경우에는 실제 배송 시간이 표준 범위를 초과하여 연장될 수 있습니다.
Q: 배송 시간이 길어지는 요인에는 어떤 것이 있나요?
A: 통관 절차, 운송 물류 및 국제 배송 준비와 같은 요인으로 인해 배송 시간이 길어질 수 있습니다.
질문: 브이핸디 세라믹스는 잠재적인 지연을 어떻게 처리하나요?
답변: 브이핸디 세라믹스는 잠재적인 지연을 최소화하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 배송 파트너와 긴밀히 협력하여 가능한 한 신속하게 처리합니다.
질문: 주문에 대한 정확한 배송 견적을 받을 수 있나요?
A: 예, 고객 서비스 팀에서 특정 주문과 위치에 따라 예상 배송 시간을 알려드릴 수 있습니다. 또한 생산 및 배송 과정 전반에 걸쳐 지속적으로 정보를 제공합니다.
*연락처는 제3자와 공유되지 않습니다.
심양 브이핸디 테크놀로지 유한회사
401호, D11 블록(선양 국제 소프트웨어 파크), 선양, 랴오닝성, 중국